This monograph examines land relations in the village of Aavli in the Hoshangabad district of Madhya Pradesh. It draws upon data on the socio-economic profile of households, land ownership and tenancy collected via a census-type survey in 2018–19.

The data presented in this monograph bring out the inequality in the ownership and operation of land in Aavli village in Madhya Pradesh, and point to the increasing inequality in access to land, with biggest landowning households belonging to the dominant caste groups.

The study also finds an increasing marginalisation of landless households and small farmers in the tenancy markets. This is also consistent with trends seen in NSS surveys on landholdings. In Aavli, with larger landowners using land leasing to increase their operational holdings, fixed rent tenancy in cash has replaced other tenurial arrangements. The study found no instances of reverse tenancy in the village.


Recommended citation:

Arora, Sunit (2021), “A Study of Land Distribution, Tenancy and the Land Market in a Central Indian Village”, SSER Monograph 21/1, Society for Social and Economic Research, New Delhi (available at:

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